Garazi is one of our fave affiliated photographers; she creates breath-taking bridal pictures and striking headshots, striving for perfection in every shoot. Based in Birmingham, we often advise our models to shoot with her to get stunning portfolio pictures that will make them stand out from the crowd.
We asked her a few questions
What made you become a photographer?
I picked up a camera at uni and haven’t been able to put it down since. It’s what I love doing, so I made it into my business and life.
Was it difficult getting this established?
A little difficult, but mainly time-consuming! As a photographer, you need to perfect your techniques and style, and get your work in front of your (future) clients. Most of my learning was trial and error and building a client base takes time too.
What do you love about your job?
I love a good face! Photographing beauty and skincare is definitely one of my favourite things.
Where is your favourite place to shoot?
I do love my studio with its HUUUUGE windows, but then it’s always exciting to shoot on location.
Has anything every gone terribly wrong on a shoot?
The time we ended up with 40 minutes to shoot 6 campaign shots (inside and out) and redo hair and make-up was a tough one… Somehow we managed it though!
Who is your favourite model?
I love Carmen Solomons’ wild features, Lily Cole’s pre-Raphaelite beauty, Jade Thompson’s freckled stunningness… I LOVE a redhead! But so many faces have something special...
What makes a memorable image?
I think a connection between the model and the camera is essential. But any shot you remember a couple years down the line is memorable. For me, it can be about the concept, the colours, the shapes...
What’s your favourite item of clothing?
Creepers/flatform shoes, I can shoot in them easier (as I’m always shorter than the model!).
Give us one piece of advice for people wanting to get into the industry
Be prepared to work hard and don’t get down by rejection!
For more information, visit www.garazi.co.uk