Meet the Model: Annabelle Davis
Good Morning!
We're offering you a little insight into the modelling world through a quickfire interview with some of our models, and first of all it's Annabelle Davis from our Classic Women division.
Tell us a bit about yourself?
I retired in 2011 after 24 years as a Metropolitan Police Officer, before that I was a stewardess for 15 years with Pan Am and a private aircraft in the Middle East
Who (or what) inspired you to become a model?
Google strangely enough! I was a film extra at the time and tripped over the term 'classic model' by accident.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?
Somerset. We've recently bought a house there.
What do you do in your spare time?
Travelling, reading and tackling huge brambles in the Somerset garden ...
Who is your favourite designer?
No-one really, I have suprisingly little interest in fashion. Definitely a High Street gal!
What’s your guilty treat?
Gummy Drop game on my mobile
If you inherited an acre of land, what would you do with it?
Fill it with animals
What’s your favouring song/artist right now?
Oh dear, I'm very out of date, I still yearn for the 70s music ...
How would your best friend describe you?
A bit mad, loyal and trustworthy
What would your superpower be?
Physical strength (needed for those brambles!)
See more pictures & information about Annabel Davis on our website